Biochemistry is the science that deals with the chemistry of living organisms.
The cell is the structural unit of all forms of life. Although the protoplasm of cells is different in each kind of animal and plant cell the chemical composition, organization, and processes occurring in each type are similar in many respects.
The relationship of the living beings to their environment; the processes by which an exchange of chemical substances takes place between the living organism and its environment through digestion, absorption, and excretion; the processes by which the absorbed materials are utilized for synthetic reactions leading to growth and development of tissues; the metabolic breakdown of the materials to supply energy; the mechanisms which regulate with precision all these processes by means of hormonal and neuro-regulatory stimuli – all these come under the purview of Biochemistry.
Biochemistry can be divided into four main branches:1. Medical Biochemistry
2. Animal Biochemistry
3. Plant Biochemistry
4. Biochemistry of Micro-organisms.
Medical Biochemistry deals with the following with which the medical students are mainly concerned. i.e. chemistry of tissues and foods, digestion and absorption, respiration, blood, cell membrane and physical chemistry, tissue metabolism, glands, excretion, biochemical disorders in various diseases etc.
Understanding Biochemistry in Physiotherapy
The study of chemical reactions that occur inside and around living things is known as biochemistry. Understanding how the body works at the molecular level is essential to physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of ailments.
Key Aspects of Biochemistry in Physiotherapy
Understanding how the body converts food into energy and how this process affects muscle performance and recovery.
Cell Function
Studying the chemical processes in cells to understand muscle contraction, inflammation, and healing.
Enzymes and Hormones
Exploring how enzymes and hormones regulate bodily functions and how imbalances can affect physical health
Nutritional Biochemistry
The role of nutrients in maintaining muscle health and supporting recovery from injuries.