Sports Physiotherapy


Sports Physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Our sports injury service provides support for clients who are involved in sports and fitness. These services are available to all ages who engage in different levels of competition. We aim to get our clients back to their pre-injury status by utilizing a combination of our treatments.

The role of physiotherapist in acute injury is to accelerate healing processes in the body of an athlete. In this situation conflict can occur as a sportsman and his coach due to different perceptions of health and competitive relations. Due to excessive motivation and desire to compete may athlete and his trainer want to rush rehabilitation. There is a place for the education of the current status and ongoing healing processes in order to avoid impairment, or more serious consequences. Physiotherapist should work in order to support self healing process.

Common Sports Injuries We Treat


Our treatments involve hands on therapy as well as a combination of other modalities. These may include: Cupping, Taping, Trigger Point Therapy, PNF Stretching. Additionally by having a strong background in sports rehabilitation, we are able to plan sessions focusing on improving pain, mobility and overall function with tailored exercises to suit our clients goals.